Tanz, Ballett & Circus Wahlabo Dance Live music
Fr 07/03/2025 19.30

Oona Doherty

Specky Clark, A series of theatrical Images
Großer Saal
© Luca Truffarelli


Sides of bacon and Halloween, grief and hope: the Northern Irish choreographer Oona Doherty goes in a new direction with Specky Clark. For the first time she will be working with dialogue, written herself together with the successful Irish author Enda Walsh. Named after and inspired by her great-grandfather, Specky Clark follows the surreal adventures of a working class boy from Belfast. Half-fact, half-fiction, the choreography tells a story about class consciousness, capitalism and family dynamics. The piece is accompanied by music from the Irish folk band Lankum, whose album False Lankum was named as Best Album of 2023 by The Guardian, and the atmospheric sounds of the Sardinian jazz saxophonist and tenor Gavino Murgia. Eerie, wild, intense and yet with plenty of humour, Doherty follows her acclaimed piece Navy Blue (seen at the Festspielhaus in 2022/2023) by taking a trip through the slaughterhouses that are part of her family history. More personally than ever before, she links her own family mythology to contemporary dance and Irish folklore. “I’ve never done anything like this,” Doherty says in an interview with the Frankfurter Rundschau, “it could be a disaster.” Or a revelation.

Supporting programs

Fr 07/03/2025 18.30


Would you like to find out more? Bettina Masuch will give you exciting insights into the event in the Kleiner Saal before the performance.
Fr 07/03/2025 21.00

Talk & Tapas

Dance is a fleeting art form. Over wine and canapés, we discuss (in German) what we have seen. Meeting point: after the performance in the Kleiner Saal. Free of charge, max. 10 people, registration: kulturvermittlung@festspielhaus.at.

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  • Tanz, Ballett & Circus From 6 events with 30 % discount

    Classical, contemporary and urban: pure dance!

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    Für alle, die gerne selbst entscheiden und Flexibilität bevorzugen: Das Wahlabo passt sich perfekt Ihren Wünschen an!

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Weitere Termine

Tanz, Ballett & Circus Dance
Sa 26/04/2025 19.30

Jan Martens

Großer Saal
Tanz, Ballett & Circus Wahlabo Dance Live music
Großer Saal
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52 | 47 | 40 | 30 | 12
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